Heraldic fountain - a statue of an embroiderer
Established in 2018, the jubilee heraldic fountain located in the heart of the Maków market square is a kind of tribute to the city’s embroidery tradition. The bronze statue depicts an embroiderer dressed in a folk costume focused on her work, and the symbol of the city in the form of poppies. The author of the monument is Wiesław Kwak, a sculptor living in Maków Podhalański.

Sanctuary of Our Lady the Protector and Queen of Families
The church in Maków, the Sanctuary of Our Lady the Protectress and the Queen of Families, located on a hill, was built in the years 1697-1701, and in 1828 it was extended to its modern shape. The present late-classical church is the fourth temple built on this site. The central place in the main altar is occupied by the grace-famous image of Our Lady of Maków – the Protector and Queen of Families. The painting was probably made in one of the Krakow workshops at the end of the 16th century, and its cult began to develop already at the beginning of the 16th century. XVII century, when it was still in an older wooden church. In 1979, during the Holy Mass. celebrated in Krakow’s Błonia, the image of the Lady of Makowska was crowned by Pope John Paul II

The historic building of the former embroidery school
Built in 1896, a building that housed the National Embroidery School in the interwar period, one of the few schools of this type in the country. Thanks to her, Maków became a real capital of embroidery. Later, for years, it was the seat of the School Complex for them, directly referring to the tradition of the embroidery school. st. Jan Kanty. The school of embroidery and embroidery is one of the most important symbols of Maków Podhalański. Already at the beginning of its existence, the works performed here were awarded at international fairs in Paris or Lviv and brought Makow fame and the name of the capital of embroidery. Over several decades of operation, the school has educated thousands of graduates.

Figure of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
In the north-eastern part of the market square there is an early Baroque chapel with a statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, built probably at the end of the 17th century or at the beginning of the 17th century. 18th century . Since the middle of the 19th century, when the prevailing epidemic ceased thanks to prayers, the statue has enjoyed great reverence among the inhabitants of Maków. The figure, as the only element of the market’s architectural infrastructure, emerged completely unscathed from the devastating flood that hit Maków in 2001

On the slope of Łysa Góra there is a building of a former railway sanatorium. The facility was put into use in 1934 as a Rest House of the Railway Family and was one of the most modern and largest facilities of this type in interwar Poland. The facility had 85 guest rooms, bridge rooms, restaurants, clubs, and reading rooms. You could also use the tennis courts and gymnasiums. In front of the building there is a tall obelisk with a bas-relief of the bust of Józef Piłsudski solemnly unveiled in 1936. The plaque was lost during the Nazi occupation. Currently, the building houses a ward of one of Krakow’s hospitals.

"Paczosówka" manor
The nineteenth-century manor house called “Paczosówka” was built in 1892-1896 for Aleksander Paczoski, a notary public. In the interwar period, a fashionable boarding house run by his daughter Janina Paczoska operated here. Next to the entrance on the façade of the building there is a marble plaque with a bust of Józef Piłsudski, who stayed in Maków in 1914 and in 1931 received honorary citizenship of the city. Currently, in Paczosówka there is a library, and several rooms are occupied by the Regional Chamber founded on the initiative of local regionalists Emil Wacyk and Kazimierz Stopa. There are old everyday objects, memorabilia from World War II, as well as a beautiful collection of Maków embroidery.

"Filas Chapel"
The chapel, popularly known as the “Filas Chapel”, was founded in 1845 by Jan Kanty and Regina Filas. Its shape refers to the shape of the presbytery of the church in Maków. Inside, in the center of the altar, there is a painting of St. Jan Kanty, and below – the image of the Mother of God. Around the chapel there are ancient oaks – natural monuments.

Villa Hamernia
Located right next to the ruins of the “Maurycy” steelworks, the historic villa called “Hamernia” was built in 1920 by Benedykt Kasprzyk, who came to Maków in 1900, taking the position of the president of the municipal court. After the war, an embroidery school boarding school functioned here for many years. Currently, the recently restored building houses a private medical clinic.

The railway station
The building of the railway station in Maków, erected in 1883 during the construction of the so-called The Transversal Railway is a typical example of Austro-Hungarian railway architecture from that period. The opening of the railway line running through Maków in 1884 greatly contributed to the economic and tourist development of the town. The railway station in Maków gained special importance in the interwar period, when almost all important trains, including the famous Luxtorpeda, stopped here thanks to one of the most modern sanatoriums in Poland at that time operating in the city.

The historic bank building
The 19th-century bank building from 1893 is located near the market square. It was originally the seat of the “Mutual Help” Loan Society, and from 1896 some of the rooms were used for the needs of the National School of Embroidery. The seat of the society played a very important role in the social life of the city, apart from the decision to establish and support an embroidery school, it was here that in 1905 the Babia Góra Branch of the Tatra Society was established, which laid out the first Polish tourist routes in the Western Beskids, and also contributed to the creation of the legendary shelter in Markowe Szczawiny.

The old town hall
A very interesting example of construction from the end of the 19th century is the building of the former magistrate from 1898, located right next to the market square, which was also the seat of the authorities of the Maków district in the years 1924-1932. At its top, the coat of arms of the city and the figure of an eagle with spread wings attract attention. There was a post office in the building for many years. Currently, the Maków GOPS has its headquarters here.

Sports and recreation complex (skatepark, outdoor gym)
The sports and recreation complex is a great place for active outdoor recreation for people of all ages. The beginnings located at ul. Grzechyńska of the complex date back to 2013, when the first skatepark equipment was installed here. Over the following years, the facility was gradually expanded, thanks to which it has become a place where lovers of various outdoor activities can now spend their time. In addition to the skate park, there is an outdoor gym, ping-pong tables and a BMX bicycle track, and chess lovers meet at the chess tables. In the vicinity of the facility there is a stadium, the “Halniak” sports club founded in 1926, as well as the “Orlik” sports complex. Numerous sports competitions, tournaments and competitions for people of all ages are held here.

Recreation and sports zone, brine graduation tower
Located at ul. Jodłowa sports and recreation zone is a great place for active rest in the fresh air. There is an outdoor gym, brine graduation tower, ping-pong table and chess tables.
The graduation tower uses the original Brine from Zabłocie with the world’s highest iodine content of up to 140 mg/liter extracted for over 120 years from the “KORONA” borehole in the spa town of Zabłocie Brine from deep deposits of iodine-bromine healing waters.

Viewing platform
On the slope of Makowska Góra there is a viewing platform with a shed where tourists tired from the road can rest. The viewpoint is equipped with telescopes through which you can admire the panorama of the city and further mountain ranges. From the platform there is a beautiful view of the Jałowieckie Range and the Babia Góra Range. From here we can see not only the queen of the Beskids – Babia Góra, but also a beautiful panorama of the Tatra Mountains in good weather conditions. The platform was created as part of the micro-project “There and back – in the footsteps of the past. Maków Podhalański – Zubrohlava”
„Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie"

Zrealizowano w ramach poddziałania 19.2 „Wsparcie na wdrażanie operacji w ramach strategii rozwoju lokalnego kierowanego przez społeczność” objętego PROW na lata 2014-2020, współfinansowanego ze środków Województwa Małopolskiego, tytuł operacji: „Stworzenie interaktywnej mapy ścieżek edukacyjno-kulturowych wraz z aplikacją mobilną na telefon na terenie Makowa Podhalańskiego”