in Maków

Family outdoor games

Go on an unusual journey

We invite you to a family journey through Maków Podhalański together with the outdoor games prepared by us, which are an alternative form of educational and cultural paths, allowing you to explore the city and learn about its history. The first of them is a detective game in the form of a printed book “Following a thread to a ball” , in which we follow in the footsteps of a mysterious detective, the route of a mysterious Maków embroidery. The next two games “Time Machine” and “In the Skawa valley” can be played using the mobile application. These are games in the form of an interactive story and a walking guide that lead us through subsequent locations to the most interesting places in Maków Podhalański.

Welcome to Maków Podhalański

Maków Podhalański is a picturesque and peaceful town located in the charming Skawa valley in the Makowski Beskids. It is a place where the beauty of nature meets a rich history. A place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the big city, but also an excellent starting point for both tourists going to the mountains and for those who want to visit the most important monuments of Lesser Poland located in the vicinity. The touristic advantages of Maków Podhalański were noticed already in the interwar period, when the town became a popular resort, full of villas and boarding houses. Today, you can also find this unique atmosphere of peace, so unavailable in noisy resorts besieged by tourists. In addition to the unique natural values, Maków is also a city with a very rich history, in which there are many valuable monuments, e.g. the famous Sanctuary of Our Lady of Maków, visited by pilgrims from all over Poland. It is also a city that has influenced the shape of the cultural heritage of the entire region for centuries, including the greatest treasure, which is the world-famous Maków embroidery, a unique art of handicraft that originated here.

"Following a thread to a ball"
The secrets of Maków embroidery

Detective outdoor game for the whole family. Follow in the footsteps of Detective Kowalski and help him solve the mystery of the missing embroidery. Along the way, you will visit the most important places in the history of Maków Podhalański and learn about the history of the extraordinary art of embroidery, which has shaped the cultural identity of the city for centuries.

Traveling along Maków Podhalańskiego Street, adventurers will have to solve dozens of puzzles and visit several different locations, while exploring the city and learning about its history.

All you need to play the game is a map book and a pencil.

Adventures in Maków
mobile application

The “Adventures in Maków” mobile application contains two outdoor games (walking guides) that allow you to learn about the history and natural values of the city in an interesting way.

The first is a game in the form of the so-called. an interactive story “The Time Machine”, in which, following the fate of the main character – a time traveler, we get to know the city in the interwar period, when Maków was a fashionable resort.

The second proposal  “In the Skawa valley” is a kind of walking guide that leads us along an interesting natural route through the valley of the Skawa River to the slope of Makowska Góra. By visiting subsequent locations, we get to know the most interesting natural places and learn interesting facts about them

What to see in Maków Podhalański

Click on the locations marked on the map above to learn more about them.

„Europejski Fundusz Rolny na rzecz Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich: Europa inwestująca w obszary wiejskie"

Zrealizowano w ramach poddziałania 19.2 „Wsparcie na wdrażanie operacji w ramach strategii rozwoju lokalnego kierowanego przez społeczność” objętego PROW na lata 2014-2020, współfinansowanego ze środków Województwa Małopolskiego, tytuł operacji: „Stworzenie interaktywnej mapy ścieżek edukacyjno-kulturowych wraz z aplikacją mobilną na telefon na terenie Makowa Podhalańskiego”